真愛 True Love



然而你們各人都當愛妻子 , 如同愛自己一樣 , 妻子也當敬重她的丈夫 


Let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Ephesians 5:33




True love called for action.



我的新女婿告訴我:我只想讓你知道茱莉 (作者的女兒) 是我最好的朋友 , 我們一起共度了美好的時光

My new son-in-law said to me, ''I just  want you to know that Julie is my best friend. We have such a great time together.



首先 , 當兩人真心相愛 , 他們會深切地關心對方 , 並珍惜大家在一起的時間 , 其次 , 真愛意味著夫妻的關係 , 是以為對方著想為出發點 ,

擁有以上關係的夫妻 , 必定視對方為好友

First, when two people are truly in love, they will deeply care for each other and cherish their time together.

Second, true love means that a couple's relationship will be characterized by the good each one does for the other.

How can two people with those characteristics be anything but best friends?



耶穌是愛與尊敬最終的源頭(以弗所書5章25-33節) , 真愛就是展現基督的愛  作者Dave Branon

Jesus is the ultimate source of love and respect (Ephesians 5:25-33). True love is Christlike love.  Written By Dave Branon




A successful marriage requires falling in love many times -- with the same person. 






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